Thursday, May 03, 2007

Seeing Our Children as Special Spirits

A woman in my ward shared a line from her daughter-in-law's patriarchal blessing that really struck me. It said something to the effect that her children were special spirits that have been saved to come to earth to aid in the winding up of this dispensation. Hearing this made me realize that my children are also special spirits that were chosen to come to this earth after me, so they are most likely more choice than me. (Don't you always remember being told as a youth that we were a special generation? So, our kids must be that much more special, right?) I need to remember that as I mother them. I need to treat them with the respect and honor they deserve. Granted, they don't always act like choice spirits...but neither do I! Hopefully this will give me some perspective.

Thought question: How can we better honor our children's divine nature, destiny and potential?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, that is a really sobering thought. an important thing to remember...