Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Lesson 1: A Gospel Persceptive on Mindful Mothering

Look up the word “mindful” in the Topical Guide. Study the scriptures listed there.

• Psalm 8:4 “What is man, that thou art mindful of him?”

• Alma 26:37 “God is mindful of every people…”

Check the footnote on the word “mindful” in this scripture. It leads to:

2 Nephi 26:24 “He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him.”

Jacob 5:41 “And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard wept, and said unto the servant: What could I have done more for my vineyard?”

• Moroni 8:2 “… your Lord Jesus Christ hath been mindful of you, and hath called you to his ministry, and to his holy work”

Thought questions:

1. What does being a “mindful mother” mean to you?
2. How can we use Jesus Christ as our example as we strive to be mindful of our children?
3. Think of yourself as the Lord of the vineyard in Jacob 5:41. What do you wish that you had done differently as a mother? How could you have been more mindful of your children?
4. How does it make you feel to know that God is so mindful of us? How can we give our children the same sense of love and security?
5. How can we apply Moroni 8:2 to ourselves? How does this make you feel about your calling to be a mother?

Write down your answers if it helps you better articulate your thoughts. Feel free to share any (or none) of your answers or feelings on this topic.


Unknown said...

wow, carrie - this is so interesting to think about. thank you so much for putting this together.

Unknown said...

ok - thinking more about this: i think it's interesting in moroni 8:2 how Christ is mindful of Moroni by asking him to serve. This is good to apply to us, I think, and to our children -- we need to be sure and ask of our kids, is my thought.

Laura said...

I have really enjoyed doing this reading and more importantly I have appreciated reflecting on it over the last few days. I have really been thinking of the line in Jacob 5 "and the Lord..wept saying, What could I have done more?" I weep at my imperfections,impatience and lack of mindfulness at the end of some days. Tenderly pruning, grafting and nourishing my little ones is my joyful goal. I fear the tremendous disappointment I would feel I lost one of them to the ways of the world because I could have done more. I must always be mindful.